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What is Showbox & Is Showbox Legal to Use in Android Device ?

Is Showbox Illegal

Showbox is an Android based app which allows you to watch latest movies, videos, Tv shows or cartoons for free. It provides you both options, either you can download the video or you can watch it online depending upon your choice. The app has a large user base all over the globe. It allows you to watch videos in different qualities by changing its resolution. You can use this app for streaming videos without any hassle. The app is distributed in APK format but this APK Showbox is not a licensed application which makes it illegal to use. As this is not a licensed app, you cannot download it from Google play store but from some third party sites only. Hence the chances of getting into trouble with copyright infringement is more for the people using and downloading it from third party sites.

Is Showbox Illegal?

Showbox simply sounds like an possible substitute to Kodi which is a versatile media player but unlike Showbox, Kodi has many legal uses. Showbox cannot claim this. The Showbox app don’t own any rights to the content available on it for streaming. This app is not legal as they stream contents online through torrent & other direct/ indirect sources. This is the reason the app and its alternatives are not available on Google to download. They violate Google Play Store’s policies by distributing contents they have no rights to.

ShowBox app and others are illegal to use
ShowBox app and others are illegal to use

You can download this app from third party sites which increases the chances of malware attacks on your device. There will be no guarantee that you are installing safer version of the app. Therefore, it would be much better to pay nominal price for legal streaming apps such as Netflix, Hulu, Hotstar, HBO or Amazon Prime Video and enjoy their services.

So, yes Showbox is illegal and you could be charged for either theft or copyright infringement. It’s completely illegal to use the app and also not right if you also facilitate your friends to watch the pirated media on your device. You will have to let your conscience decide later on if you are using it.

Is Showbox App Legal in India

Talking about India, currently there is no specific regulator who is looking into the legality of applications like these. So, it is not possible to declare as it is legal in India or not. But surely it would not be safe for you to use it in India as if anybody’s rights are trampled by the app, they may approach the court for same and strict action can be taken against you.

Is Showbox App Legal in Canada

Well, if you are in Europe or UK state, streaming is legal but downloading or hosting unauthorized content is considered illegal. Certainly, there are many issues regarding the usage of the Showbox app. So, if you are using it, then you must consider all the legalities of its usage as well.


There are many good alternatives for streaming videos which you can afford on monthly basis by paying nominal amount. So, go for the safer services instead of going for Showbox which is borderline illegal in most of the countries. Showbox is not the right platform to watch copyright protected videos. It’s not worth having the trouble with this app.


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